Saturday, October 7, 2023


for WCW

I wish I understood the beauty
in leaves falling. To whom
are we beautiful
as we go?

I lie in the field
still, absorbing the stars
and silently throwing off
their presence. Silently
I breathe and die
by turns.

He was ripe 
and fell to the ground
from a bough
out where the wind
is free
of the branches

David Ignatow


Attempting to answer David Ignatow's question

I wish I understood the beauty
in leaves falling. To whom 
are we beautiful
as we go?

We are beautiful to the Mother as we go.
There are mysterious roads in jade that
Old men follow,
Routes that migratory birds walk on,
The circle dances
Iron filings do,
The things we cannot say.
Salmon find their way to old beds;
Sleeping bodies are not alone.

Robert Bly
thank you beauty we love